M 7831
Misses' Jumpers
All jumpers have adjustable straps which fasten with purchased overall buckles. B, C, D: Pockets.
FABRICS: Corduroy, Denim, Cotton Blends, Velveteen.
Note: Fabric requirement allows for nap, one-way design or shading. Extra fabric may be needed to match design or for shrinkage.
NOTIONS: Two Overall Buckles with No-Sew Buttons to fit 11/4" (3.2 cm) Straps.
All jumpers have adjustable straps which fasten with purchased overall buckles. B, C, D: Pockets.
FABRICS: Corduroy, Denim, Cotton Blends, Velveteen.
Note: Fabric requirement allows for nap, one-way design or shading. Extra fabric may be needed to match design or for shrinkage.
NOTIONS: Two Overall Buckles with No-Sew Buttons to fit 11/4" (3.2 cm) Straps.
NZ$ 30.00
NZ$ 26.99 including GST
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